More reasons to love maple syrup

More reasons to love maple syrup

In addition to being an excellent natural sweetener and far superior in taste and quality to knock-off grocery store syrup, real maple syrup offers excellent health benefits. A mere two teaspoons (and don’t tell me that’s all you put on your pancakes!) of...
Organic Cooking: Use Your Maple Syrup

Organic Cooking: Use Your Maple Syrup

Maple syrup is a nourishing whole food and is a great addition to your organic cooking arsenal.  When you buy real maple syrup from local producers, you not only improve your family’s diet, you also support sustainable farming.  Eat Local! Arugula and Pear Salad...

What is the Difference Between Maple Syrup Grades?

A simple search on the Internet with this question brings up some of the most amazing and incorrect answers imaginable. I read articles that told how there were two different processes for making syrup and that the process used for making A syrup stripped it of all of...

Book Review: Nourishing Traditions

If you only own one book about the natural/organic/whole food lifestyle, Nourishing Traditions should be that book! It is an indispensable resource for organic cooking and natural living.  Sally Fallon of the Weston A. Price Foundation wrote the book, which includes...
Grass fed meat may actually be the bargain

Grass fed meat may actually be the bargain

If you haven’t yet seen Time Magazine’s recent cover article The Real Cost of Cheap Food (August 31, 2009 issue), I would recommend it to you. I thought the article was well done for the mainstream press, and although many of the statistics and facts cited...
Maple Syrup – How It Is Made

Maple Syrup – How It Is Made

Maple Syrup begins as sap in a maple tree. The sap is harvested in the spring when temperatures rise into the 40s during the day and cool off into the 20s at night. It takes a very special place for the conditions to be just right. The sugaring season, as it is...