BEEF – River Cottage Farm Pub Style Burgers

River Cottage Farm Pub Style Burgers The pub sauce is a must. Don’t skip it. It’s easy, quick and keeps in the fridge for a good month! 2 lb River Cottage Farm ground beef (or you can also do lamb)4 tbs unsalted butter (melted and cooled slightly )1 pinch...

Vanilla Ice Cream

Vanilla Ice Cream This is our go-to recipe for ice cream and the first recipe Rhayna learned to make on her own. Feel free to add any flavorings or fruit to suit your fancy. 3 whole egg yolks.5 cup maple syrup1 tb vanilla extract1 tb arrowroot powder3 cups Raw heavy...

Slow Cook Round Steak Tex Mex

Slow Cook Round Steak Tex Mex Round Steak is a beautiful, inexpensive cut that comes from the hind quarter of the steer. Our round steaks are tenderized but still do well with slow gentle cooking. If you don’t have a crock pot you can cook this on the stove for...

Whole Tenderloin with Cherry Port Sauce

Whole Tenderloin with Cherry Port Sauce This recipe works for whole tenderloin or medallions. It’s the meal I usually serve at special occassions; Christmas, New Years, but I also pull this recipe out when we’ve had a particularly tough week and we need a...

Traditional Bone Broth

Traditional Bone Broth Broth is one of those foods that have been around for centuries and due to our overly busy schedules we have let fall by the wayside, imagining hours of straining and stirring. Nothing could be further from the truth. Stock making can be an easy...