
Yogurt 1 quart milk 2 TB yogurt culture (Starter, yogurt from a previous batch or store bought yogurt ) · Heat milk in a saucepan over a low flame until it reaches about 110° Fahrenheit / 43º Celsius to 180°F for thicker yogurt. · Bring temperature back down to 110°.·...
Spring has Sprung at River Cottage Farm

Spring has Sprung at River Cottage Farm

When Mother Nature tries to make up her mind on whether or not to offer up spring things can be tricky.  Do we shear the sheep or not.  They are much too hot when the temperatures rise above 65 but with nighttime temps still in the 30’s, it’s just a bit...
It’s a Boy!!

It’s a Boy!!

Finally, Baby Boy has made his entrance and although it was a greatly anticipated and highly awaited event he entered life on the farm quietly and without much fanfare.  We awoke to the proud Mamma grazing happily with BB sleeping in the grass nearby. Dottie is a pure...
When Pigs Fly

When Pigs Fly

For 20 years I have gradually coasted down that slippery slope from homesteading to full time farming and through all those stages I have never had single pig wallowing in my muck.  Oh how times have changed!  Brayden decided that he would like try his hand at raising...
Returning to Blogging Life

Returning to Blogging Life

  I believe that being too busy to lay in the hammock or to drink my coffee in the garden should be considered as close to sinful as did the Desert Fathers of long ago.  They believed that sloth was not so much a condition of laziness but more a failure to see God in...