Meet the Buckeye Chickens

Meet the Buckeye Chickens

After some heavy casualties from hawks, we are moving the chickens and the dogs to the farm by they shop. We are looking forward to having them here for visitors to see. We also have some wonderfully adorable baby chicks chirping and doing their best to be cute. We...
Everyone Loves Free Range Chicken

Everyone Loves Free Range Chicken

With 175 potentially delicious girls out on pasture it was only a matter of time before all the skunks, raccoons, red fox, hawks and dogs came out for a dinner of chicken. We lost a few girls two nights in a row and knew we needed some added protection for our...
A Cheep off the Old Block

A Cheep off the Old Block

With our eggs from pastured free range chickens in such high demand we have made the decision to increase our egg production. We have ordered 100 Buff Orpington chicks and will bring in 100 Rhode Island Reds and 100 Plymouth Rock chicks.Our Buffs arrived on Thursday...
How to Keep the Girls Happy

How to Keep the Girls Happy

A large part of my job on the farm is to keep the girls happy, all 175 of them. Our “girls” are our Rhode Island, Delaware and Red Comet free range chickens. I think it is one of the most rewarding jobs on the farm. Here is how I keep them happy and laying...