The Continuous Thread
What I love so much about the Fiber Arts is that, from the day a lamb is born, or an indigo seed is dropped into the soil until someone wears our labor or love, one continuous thread holds us all together. It makes me think about the creek that runs past the front of our home. Wherever along the water’s edge, we put our feet into the creek we are all honoring the same water.
Our workshops are designed with your goals in mind. Do you want to own sheep, learn to spin or dye yarn, or just spend the day at the farm knitting. We have something for everyone.
If you own land and have always wanted to experience the fiber arts from beginning to end, we have it all here at the farm for you. We will start with the sheep and their nutrition, care, and love. Grazing and pasture management mentoring are available from my partner, Greg Brann. You’ll learn, and see first hand, the different proper nutrition will make in your finished product.
If you have land but need sound, parasite resistant, grass fed sheep we can help in that department too.
We will walk through shearing and the care of the fiber once it is separated from the sheep. Scouring, dyeing, spinning, weaving, and knitting can be part of the week but it’s up to you. The week-long course is designed with you and your goals in mind and we can take whichever branches and tributaries are needed to help you along your journey.
If, however, you are more than happy to have someone else raise the sheep and would just like to spend the day on the farm, knitting, spinning, weaving, or dyeing to learn or improve your skills, the one-day workshops are perfect. The one common thread is that we begin with your goals in mind.
We have fleeces, roving, and yarn for sale in the shop if you would just like to drop by and see the place.