This past week, in temperatures in the teens, we had several new arrivals to The Farm. Our Katahdin ewes have begun to lamb.

Katahdin sheep are best know for their mild flavored, delectable meat and we can certainly attest to that attribution. One characteristic that surprises many of our customers when they drive out to visit the sheep is that they seem to have little or no wool. Even more concerning is that they can sometimes look like something the cat dragged in, dishevelled looking with clumps of hair hanging by a thread.

Katahdins are referred to as hair sheep and throughout the spring and summer, all that hair is continually falling out. We will find clumps of hair strewn around the farm wherever the sheep have ventured. It can actually give away a slip under the fence and trot around the farm when no one was looking.

So on your next trip to the farm take a look at the new babies and don’t be dismayed by the dangling locks of hair, that’s just a Katahdin.