Sheep to be sheared
set up the shearing area
move all the straw from the barn in case it rains – which it did!
finish putting cardboard in the 16 raised beds
put layers of straw and manure in 16 beds to start to cook
hire someone to till up the large gardens
get 10 loads of compost
get 10 loads of horse manure
Plant peas
Plant potatoes – 100lbs this week
Plant spinach
transplant lettuce from the cold frames to the garden beds
apply greensand to all the gardens
cut bamboo for trellises and pole bean tee pees
lay landscape fabric in paths and cover with straw
Start tomatoes, peppers, artichokes, onions, alpine strawberries in flats
build shelf in south kitchen window for seed starting flats
Take soil samples and send to Kinsey Labs
Order seed for pasture – dairy master, beef master
Research companies for herbal ley seeds
Order lime
check with Leuthardt Nursery for substitutions
dig 16 holes for trees ordered
Berry Patch
till up area for berries
order strawberries and raspberries
order raspberries from Leuthardt
order strawberries from Indiana Berry
Order bees from
Pick up bee hives
paint all the hives
pick up concrete blocks for hive stand
set up hives in Narnia Pasture
Repair fencing and finish exterior lines
add lower line to keep dogs in east pasture
Building and Repairs
finish metal roof on shed
build gates for corral
The amazing thing is that this list and the many other things that came up unexpectedly will be completely by many hands, as you can see from the picture of David and Katie working on projects. Everyone has the area that they love and they direct the rest in accomplishing the tasks associated with each project. Katie, who lives on the farm is in charge of all things gardening, Brayden is the all-round farmer and is in charge of all things related to the animals, building projects, chickens, the dairy, vehicles and the farmers market. Rhayna is in charge of the horse, dogs and eggs and I try to keep everything in the store, office, house and on the farm running as a whole. Dave and Carolyn Craig are our beekeepers as they travel to and fro from Louisville to Rockfield in search of a farm of their own.
We are so thankful for all the wonderful people who drop in to the farm to lend a hand. Their hard work, contagious laughter and words of wisdom are appreciated as we prepare the farm for another year growing food that will nourish those who put their trust in us and support our efforts.