Cultured and Fermented Foods

Cultured and Fermented Foods

If you’re interested in trying cultured or fermented foods before you decide to try your hand at making them yourself, the farm shop carries sauerkraut and cultured vegetables already made the natural, wholesome way! These wonderful traditional foods will help...

What To Do With Whey

I have recently begun straining my homemade raw milk yogurt to get a thicker product by placing a colander over a large bowl, lining the colander with a thin towel (cheese cloth would be even better for the task), and letting it drain, covered, in the refrigerator...

Eric Brende Interview

If you’ve read Better Off or were just intrigued by the idea of such radically simple living, you might be interested in the above video clip of a recent television interview with the Brendes, who now live in St. Louis and are applying their idea of simple...

Book Review: Better Off

In his excellent book Better Off: Flipping the Switch on Technology, Eric Brende, then a MIT grad student studying the costs and benefits of technology, undertook an 18 month experiment with his new wife to leave Boston and go live in a Mennonite community without...

My Favorite Meatloaf Recipe

Sometimes a recipe comes along that is so wonderful that it spoils you from making any other way, no matter how badly you want to. I have a recipe that falls deeply into this category: meatloaf. Sounds crazy, I know, but since I adapted this recipe from the The...